Nacktbadezonen in München

"The reputation of being 'nudist obsessive'"

Der Stadtrat deklarierte vergangene Woche sechs Orte als offizielle Nacktbadezonen in München. In der Stadt der Nackerten sorgte dies für kaum Reaktionen, internationale Medien dagegen versetzte die Meldung in helle Aufregung. Eine Auswahl.
Am Flaucher (Foto: Schlaier/Wikipedia)
Am Flaucher (Foto: Schlaier/Wikipedia)

Die Meldung erregte hierzulande kaum Aufsehen. Am 9. April beschloss der Münchner Stadtrat, dass Nacktbaden in München auch künftig erlaubt sein soll - und zwar in sechs Bereichen wie dem Eisbach und am Flaucher. Die bisherige Verordnung des Freistaates zum Nacktbaden in München war ausgelaufen, eine neue Regelung musste her. Alles wie immer also.

Doch international hat die Entscheidung des Stadtrats für viel Aufregung gesorgt. Eine Auswahl:

Forbes: "Germans have the reputation of being “nudist obsessive" as well as "tanning obsessive". It’s no surprise that many nudist beaches around Europe are frequented mostly by Germans - as are saunas and Turkish baths, where it’s a safe assumption that the most comfortable naked body walking nearby belongs to a German."

The Atlantic Cities: "Is it OK to walk around naked in the middle of a major city? The idea of seriously debating this question might seem bizarre, but that's just what the city of Munich has been doing for much of this year."

The Telegraph: "Nudity no longer naughty in Munich."

Mirror: "But while these nudist spots offer some privacy, they are not fenced off or hidden away. Instead they are in parks and one is only 10 minutes away from the city's main square and a stream popular with tourists."

Dailymail: "Germans are often considered to be more at one with nature than us prudish Brits. And now residents of the country's third-largest city have been given the go ahead to strip off for all over sunbathing sessions in six designated spaces."

International Business Times: "Travel site named the park as one of Germany's must-see places for nudist tourists. It stated: 'For much of the population of Munich, it's almost part of their DNA. Whenever the sun is out, you'll find a Münchner of all ages, shapes and sizes catching some rays as nature intended.'"

New York Daily News: "Germans aren’t shy when it comes to sunbathing in their birthday suits."

Independent: "A city in Germany has legalised public nudity through the introduction of six designated nudist zones - one of which is situated in a main tourist spot, just minutes away from Munich’s main square."

(Foto: Schlaier/Wikipedia)


Alex am So., 20.04.2014 - 19:12

Ich finde es gut, dass man in Deutschland so tolerant denkt, ist mir schleierhaft warum das in anderen Ländern derartige Wellen schlägt!

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